"Chain of universe"

"Chain of universe"

CHF 930.00

9 Citrin,Topas und Peridot, gelb,blau & grün, Tropfenschliff
6 Granat und Amethyst, rot & violett, Rund facettierten Schliff
Länge 42 cm

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"Sweetheart" with saphire
sold out

"Sweetheart" with saphire

CHF 790.00
"Connect Role" Nacklace with diamonds
sold out

"Connect Role" Nacklace with diamonds

CHF 3,550.00
"Sweetheart" in Bronze
sold out

"Sweetheart" in Bronze

CHF 195.00
"Wishroll" with Onxy wishroll_oStein offen_mp2_out.jpg
sold out

"Wishroll" with Onxy

from CHF 680.00
"Lava" Collier

"Lava" Collier

CHF 2,780.00